Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby - C.612 - : She Just Didnā€™t Dare to Like Him

Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby

C.612 - : She Just Didnā€™t Dare to Like Him

Translator: 549690339

Bai Liuli seemed to have been struck by lightning and ran even faster.

On the other sideā€¦

Han Jinchu was still frozen on the spot.

MO Yichen could only walk quickly towards Han Jinchu.ā€ Whatā€™s wrong?ā€

ā€œNoā€¦ Iā€¦ Iā€™ll be leaving first.ā€

ā€œStop! Since youā€™re here, why did you leave without saying a word??ā€Mo Yichen stopped her.

ā€œThatā€¦ā€ Han Jinchu could not say a word.

ā€œDid my attitude toward that girl scare you?ā€Mo Yichen thought for a moment and asked.

Han Jinchu did not say anything.

ā€œI feel that since you donā€™t like her, donā€™t give her a chance. That way, she wonā€™t get hurt from fantasizing too much. Soā€¦ Rejection will be cold.ā€ MO Yichen explained.

Why was he explaining all this to her?

Han Jinchu was a little stunned, butā€¦lf he didnā€™t like her, he wouldnā€™t give her a chance?

It was alrightā€¦

Fortunately, she had never confessed to him before. Otherwise, she would have been in a miserable state.

ā€œSpeaking of which, whereā€™s the gift you said you were going to give me yesterday?ā€Mo Yichen said to her,ā€Give it to me.ā€ā€

ā€œIā€¦ I didnā€™t prepareā€¦ā€

ā€œNot prepared?ā€

ā€œYes, Iā€™m too busy. Iā€™m not free.ā€ Han Jinchu said.

Didnā€™t he have the time to buy a gift?

ā€œMoreoverā€¦ Besides, itā€™s the mid-term exam, and my physics grades are very badā€¦lā€¦ I have to tutor.ā€



ā€œIf thereā€™s anything you donā€™t know, just ask me.ā€Mo Yichen said.

ā€œCan 1?ā€

ā€œOf course you can.ā€ MO Yichen said,ā€ Bring the books over. Iā€™ll help you tutor.ā€™ā€ā€˜ Han Jinchu was about to nod when he suddenly remembered that there was a

gift stuffed in his bag.ā€ Thatā€¦ā€ I donā€™t think I brought my physics textbook with me. Iā€™ll bring it to you next time.ā€

ā€œYes.ā€ MO Yichen replied indifferently.

ā€œThatā€¦ Xia Yichen, look, the scenery over there is so beautifulā€¦ā€ Han Jinchu ran to the railing next to the rooftop.ā€ Come over and take a look.ā€™ā€ā€˜

MO Yichen stood at the same spot and looked at Han Jinchu.ā€ Itā€™s okay, you can see for yourself.ā€™ā€ā€˜

He would never tell her that he was afraid of heights.

In fact, the reason why he came to the rooftop was to try his best to overcome his fear of heights. However, it seemed that he had never succeeded.

ā€œIs that soā€¦ā€ Han Jinchu smiled awkwardly.

As expected, he still didnā€™t like her disturbing him here, right?

ā€œUm, my stomach is a little uncomfortable. Iā€™ll go to the bathroom firstā€¦ā€ In the end, Han Jinchu found an excuse to slip away.

MO Yichen couldnā€™t possibly say that he would send her to the washroom, so he didnā€™t insist on following her since she didnā€™t want him toā€¦

Han Jinchu ran very quickly.

When he ran to the stairs, he found a girl sitting on the stairs, hugging her knees and crying.

Looking at her back, she seemed to beā€¦Bai Liuli.

When Han Jinchu saw her, he felt extremely apologetic. If he had not knitted a new scarf and insisted that she give it to the ā€˜boy she fanciedā€™, she would not have been rejected by MO Yichen today.

When Bai Liuli heard footsteps, she looked up and turned around. When she saw that it was Han Jinchu, she wiped the tears off her face.

ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ā€ Han Jinchu handed her a tissue.

ā€œIt has nothing to do with you.ā€ ā€œI overestimated myself,ā€ said Bai Liuli. Actually, Young Master Yi Chen has never dated any girl before, so Iā€™m not the first person to be rejectedā€¦Thinking about it this way, it was actually not that bad.ā€

She said as she wiped her tears.

Han Jinchu sat beside her and handed her tissues one by one.

After some time, Bai Liuli finally cried enough.

ā€œIā€™m really sorry for letting you see such a joke.ā€she said.

What a good girl, Han Jinchu thought to himself.

ā€œI should be the one apologizing. Itā€™s all my fault for instigating you.ā€

ā€œI saw Young Master Yi Chen calling you just now. You guysā€¦? Are you dating?ā€

ā€œNo!ā€ Han Jinchu quickly shook his head.ā€ How is that possibleā€¦ā€ ā€œThen do you like Young Master Yi Chen?ā€

Han Jinchu did not speak. After a long time, she shook her head..

ā€œYou donā€™t like it? Still donā€™t know?ā€ Bai Liuli asked her.

Actually, it wasnā€™t that he didnā€™t like her, but he just felt that she wasnā€™t worthy of him. No matter what, she couldnā€™t climb up to him.

ā€œI think itā€™s impossible not to know that you like someone. It seems that you donā€™t like him.ā€Bai Liuli paused for a long time before asking, ā€œā€Then, your relationship must be very good, right?ā€

Han Jinchu shook his head.ā€ Yes, very ordinary friends.ā€ ā€œI saw that you and MO Lemon were also very close.ā€

ā€œYes, we are friends.ā€

ā€œSo, youā€™re Lemonā€™s friend, and youā€™ve become friends with Young Master


ā€œProbably.ā€ Han Jinchu said.

ā€œItā€™s funny. All the girls in the school like him, but no one can get close to him. The only person who could get close to him did not like him. If only I was the one who could be friends with Young Master Yi Chen.ā€Bai Liuli sighed


ā€œYou probably donā€™t know how much I like him. I chased him from elementary school to middle school, then to high school.ā€

ā€ Thinking about how he suddenly jumped two grades, this year will probably be his last year in Imperial High. If I miss this opportunity, I might not be able to see him for at least two years. Moreover, his results are so good, he will definitely go to the best university. Iā€™m not so sure, so I finally mustered up the courage to knit a scarf for himā€¦ā€

ā€œI never thought that he would be able to accept me. I only hoped that he would accept the gift I gave himā€¦ā€

ā€œUnfortunately, even so, itā€™s still an extravagant hope. Heā€™s really unattainable.ā€

When Bai Liuli said this, she looked at Han Jinchu.ā€ Youā€™re so close to him. Have you never thought of liking him? Or confess to him?ā€

Han Jinchu thought about it awkwardly and shook his head.

How could she have the courage to confess to him?

He clearly knew that this was impossibleā€¦

ā€œYou really are.ā€ Bai Liuli sighed helplessly.ā€ Fate really likes to play tricks on people. I like him so much, but I donā€™t even have the chance to get close to him. Youā€™re so close to him, but you donā€™t like him at all.ā€

ā€œ..ā€Actually, it wasnā€™t that she didnā€™t like it. She just didnā€™t dare to like itā€¦Han Jinchu wanted to say it, but he did not dare to.

ā€œHow about this? Can you help me?ā€


ā€œHelp me ask him out, okay? Iā€™m begging you! I didnā€™t make it clear when I gave him the scarf just now. I know he doesnā€™t like scarves, but it doesnā€™t matter. Iā€™ll just not give him a scarf next time. I wonā€™t disturb him on the rooftop either. Iā€™ll just ask him out somewhere else! He usually has many bodyguards around him and never tells anyone his number. Other than the rooftop, I have no other place to meet him. But arenā€™t you friends with him?

I can even get close to him.. Can you help me ask him out?ā€

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