Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby - C.611 - : Thank You For Your Kind Intent, But I Donā€™t

Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby

C.611 - : Thank You For Your Kind Intent, But I Donā€™t

Need It

Translator: 549690339

The next day, Han Jinchu walked around the gift shop but still could not decide what to buy for MO Yichen.

He had received so many gifts since he was young. What kind of gift had he not received?

Han Jinchu shook his head in the end.

She saw a set of cups that looked quite artistic, but on second thought, cups? A tragedy? It didnā€™t seem like a good idea to give this to someone.

Then, she walked out of the gift shop and saw a ball of yarn in a shop ahead.

She felt as if her head was stuck in a ball of woolā€¦

Immediately after, she saw a girl holding a scarf as she walked past her.

What? Scarf?

Should she knit him a scarf?

Errā€¦ Wasnā€™t this too ambiguous?

Not good, not good!

Han Jinchu shook his head. Just as she turned to leave, she bumped into the girl who was holding the scarf.

ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ā€

ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ā€

The two of them looked at each other at the same time.

ā€œAh, my scarfā€¦ā€ When the girl saw the scarf fall to the ground, she squatted down sadly. It had rained last night, and the ground was still a little wet, so the scarf was dirty.

Han Jinchu was extremely embarrassed.ā€ Iā€™m sorry! Iā€™m sorry, Iā€™m really sorry!ā€ ā€œWhatā€™s the use of saying sorry? The scarf I worked so hard to knit is dirty.ā€ ā€œIā€™m really sorry. Iā€™ll knit another one for you.ā€Han Jinchu said.

ā€œWho wants the scarf you knitted! I knit a scarf to give to the person I like!ā€The girl wanted to cry but no tears came out.ā€

ā€œIā€™m really sorry.ā€

ā€œForget it!ā€ The girl heaved a sigh of relief.ā€ Thatā€™s good too. He wonā€™t accept it anyway.ā€As she spoke, she picked up the scarf and threw it into the trash can beside her.

ā€œHelloā€¦ā€ Han Jinchu wanted to stop her, but the girl quickly walked away.

However, the other party seemed to be wearing Imperial Highā€™s Year One uniformā€¦

Han Jinchu thought about it. Since they were girls from the same school and grade, they should still meet. She had dirtied her scarf, and she felt a little guilty to let it go.

So, Han Jinchu walked to the trash can and looked at the style of the scarf carefully. He remembered it and then went to the shop. He definitely did not have enough money to buy it, so she would not be able to buy a gift for MO Yichen.

Why donā€™t I buy some wool and knit it myself?

When Han Jinchu thought of this, he went to the shop and bought the wool.

She went home and started knitting scarves.

She knitted the scarf that the girl had thrown away and planned to return it to the girl the next day.

The next dayā€¦

Han Jinchu had indeed found the girl from that day.

ā€œHey, um, this scarf, Iā€™ll return it to you.ā€Han Jinchu passed the scarf to the girl.

The girlā€™s name tag had her name written on it, Bai Liuli.

She also looked like a white crystal. She had long hair with slightly curly ends. She was very beautiful.

ā€œYou didnā€™t really knit another one, did you?ā€Bai Liuli looked at Han Jinchu in disbelief.

Han Jinchu nodded.ā€ Iā€™m really sorry for dirtying your things last time.ā€

ā€œForget it.ā€ Bai Liuli looked at the scarf.ā€ Actually, I donā€™t really want it anymore.ā€

ā€œButā€¦l dirtied it.ā€

ā€œYouā€™re so stubborn.ā€ Bai Liuli took the scarf speechlessly.ā€ Looks like this is really fate.ā€

ā€œSince thereā€™s a boy you like, you should be brave enough to chase after him.ā€ā€What if it succeeds?ā€ Han Jinchu asked Bai Liuli.ā€

ā€œHehe, Iā€™ll take your blessings.ā€ Bai Liuli smiled faintly and turned to leave.

That night..

Han Jinchu had been knitting a scarf for MO Yichen for the entire night and he was finally done!

She carefully placed the scarf in a beautiful box and fell asleep, tired but happy.

The next day, she stuffed the scarf and the box into her bag and went to school.

During lunch break, she went to the rooftop where MO Yichen often went to look for him.

The rooftop was MO Yichenā€™s secret base. Usually, no one would disturb him.

She had just reached the entrance of the rooftop when she saw MO Yichen standing thereā€¦

Just as she was about to greet him, she realized that someone had walked up to her firstā€¦

Bai Liuli?

Han Jinchu was shocked.

Immediately after.

Bai Liuli handed a scarf to MO Yichen.ā€ Thatā€¦ā€ Young Master Yi Chen, this is the scarf I knitted. Please accept it.ā€ā€˜

ā€œThank you for your kindness, but I donā€™t need it.ā€

But, Iā€™m counting on you for my kindnessā€¦ā€

ā€œItā€™s precisely because itā€™s your intention that I canā€™t accept it. ā€œMO Yichen flatly rejected Bai Liuli.

Bai Liuli still refused to give up.ā€ As long as you accept it, you can do whatever you want with it in the future. Please!ā€

ā€œMust it be like this?ā€ MO Yichen glanced at Bai Liuli.

Bai Liuli saw him looking at her and felt a little smug. She said happily, ā€œPlease!ā€

MO Yichen had no choice but to pick up the scarf. However, before the surprise in her eyes could fully bloom, he threw it into the trash can at the side.

ā€œYou can leave now?ā€ he said to Bai Liuli.ā€™ Bai Liuli was stunned!

She thought that he would just accept the scarfā€¦

However, he immediately threw it into the trash can beside himā€¦

At the very least, he should wait until she was gone before throwing it away!

ā€œYoung Master Yi Chen?ā€ Bai Liuliā€™s eyes sparkled as if she was about to cry.

ā€œI think the whole school should know that the rooftop is my private resting place. Donā€™t come in casually in the future.ā€Mo Yichen frowned and said to her.

The rooftop belonged to MO Yichen alone and everyone knew that no one would disturb him. At times like this, the bodyguards would usually not be around.

This was the only place in the school where MO Yichen could enjoy some peace and quiet. However, he was disturbed by an uninvited guest today.

Bai Liuliā€™s tears kept swirling in her eyesā€¦

ā€œAlso, donā€™t cry in front of the Great Celestial.ā€Mo Yichen said coldly,ā€ In the future, please donā€™t do such strange things. I hate disgusting things like scarves and I donā€™t like girls who give gifts to others casually. Itā€™s not just me. No one likes girls who barge into other peopleā€™s naps and disturb their naps. Do you remember?!ā€?ā€

ā€œ!!!ā€Bai Liuliā€™s tears completely flowed down. She turned around and ran awayā€¦

Han Jinchu had never seen MO Yichen so cold before, and he frozeā€¦


He just said that he didnā€™t like scarvesā€¦

He did not like the girl who had given him a presentā€¦

He did not like girls who came to the rooftop to look for mmā€¦

She seemed to have done everything!

Han Jinchu!?ā€ MO Yichen saw Han Jinchu standing rooted to the spot.

Bai Liuli also glanced at Han Jinchu. When she was running, she heard MO Yichen speak. She thought he was calling her, but he actually called Han Jinchuā€¦

At this moment, Bai Liuli noticed Han Jinchu standing at the doorā€¦

This girl, it was this girl who returned the scarf to her and caused her to be humiliated like thisā€¦

However, she heard MO Yichen say to Han Jinchuā€¦

ā€œCome here!ā€

This chaptš“®r is updatš’†d by (f)reewš’†b(n)

