Please Permit Me To Love You Forever - C.2060 - : I will not tolerate anyone hurting my family

Please Permit Me To Love You Forever

C.2060 - : I will not tolerate anyone hurting my family

Chapter 2060: I will not tolerate anyone hurting my family

Translator: 549690339

Gu Hesheng went to look for Liancheng Yazhi this time.

It just so happened that Rong Yan was taking an afternoon nap, so he exchanged opinions with his son-in-law alone.

Gu Hesheng stood outside the ward and whispered to Liancheng Yazhi, ā€ I learned from a janitorial worker just now that thereā€™ll be a group of janitorians cleaning the hospital around four in the morning. This area is the same. Someone will clean it every three to four hours. So, I think it might be the janitorial worker. As long as we find the person who cleaned it that morning, weā€™ll probably know what happened.

liancheng yazhiā€™s eyes narrowed slightly as he said, ā€œFather-in-law, just do what you need to do. Iā€™ll get Secretary Zhou to cooperate with you. If you need anything, just tell me.ā€

ā€œWhat do you plan to do after you capture the person?ā€ Gu Hesheng asked.

Liancheng Yazhi smiled very gently, as if he was a junior who was respectful in front of an elder. ā€ father-in-law, i wonā€™t tolerate anyone hurting my wife and child, even if yingluo doesnā€™t get what he wants. ā€

He paused for a moment. after we find her, you can hand her over to Secretary Zhou. We canā€™t dirty your hands with this kind of thing. [ Secretary Zhou:

young master ya, are you saying that since my hands have been dirty for so long, itā€™s fine to dirty them again? ]

Gu Hesheng sighed, ā€ alright, looks like youā€™ve already made up your mind on this matter. Since thatā€™s the case, Iā€™ll hand him over to you after we capture him.

Gu Hesheng thought for a while and said, however, I still want to tell you that Rong Yan has given birth to a child. This is a joyous event, and itā€™s best to avoid bloodshed. It will affect the childā€™s good fortune. Although you may say that Iā€™m superstitious, after being in this line for a long time, I still believe in some things that canā€™t be explained by science. MeowMeowā€™s heart is already not in good condition. Itā€™s best for this child to grow up healthy and happy.

Liancheng Yazhi listened very seriously and waited until Gu Hesheng was done before he said, ā€ ā€œFather-in-law is right, Iā€™ll remember it.ā€

ā€œYouā€™ve always done things with a sense of propriety. I believe that youā€™ll be able to find a good way to deal with it,ā€ Gu Hesheng said.

yes. Liancheng Yazhi lowered his head slightly. Iā€™ll definitely find a way to deal with this matter without harming the childā€™s fortune.

In the past, if someone else had said such superstitious things to him, Liancheng Yazhi would definitely not have cared and might have even beaten him up.

But now, Liancheng Yazhi realized that although he still didnā€™t believe it, he didnā€™t do it anymore. He even did things like accumulating more merit for his wife and children.

Moreover, the birth of a newborn baby in this world was indeed a magical, Grand, and joyous event for the whole family. At this time, blood was indeed inauspicious.

It didnā€™t matter. He would always find a good way.

After getting Liancheng Yazhiā€™s guarantee, Gu Hesheng started to investigate.

This kind of thing was to follow the vine to find the melon. Once you found a thread, you just had to hold on to that thread and continue walking. Sooner or later, it would come to an end.

It did not take long for Gu Hesheng to find the janitors in charge of the VIP Ward area.

He found a retired woman in her 50s, but she said that she was supposed to be on duty that night, but because she had a high fever that day, she had to change shifts with a colleague.

Moreover, from four in the morning until the next day, she had been unconscious at home and did not come at all!

The source of this cšØntent is freš’†w(e)bn(o)vel

