Please Permit Me To Love You Forever - C.2051 - : I canā€™t call you uncle, can I?

Please Permit Me To Love You Forever

C.2051 - : I canā€™t call you uncle, can I?

Chapter 2051: I canā€™t call you uncle, can I?

Translator: 549690339

Rong nuo didnā€™t want to leave before, but now she couldnā€™t wait to run away with Tang Zong. When she saw Rong Yanā€™s eyes, she felt a little scared.

She quickly nodded. yes, yes. Big sister, what soup do you want to drink tomorrow? Iā€™ll make it and bring it to you.

Rong Yan smiled slightly. both are good. Yingluo, Iā€™d like to eat the duck blood vermicelli soup from the restaurant in front of my high school.

High school!

Rong Yanā€™s words didnā€™t sound like much, but if one took a closer look, they would know that her focus was on high school.

What was there in high school? there were seniors and juniors!

rong nuo licked her lips. the gentler rong yanā€™s smile was, the greater the pressure she felt.

hehe, big sister Yingluo, Iā€™m Yingluo, cough cough. Iā€™ll learn it when I get back. Iā€™ll definitely make it for you.

tang zong nodded his head repeatedly. ā€ thatā€™s right, thatā€™s right. big sister yingluo, you can have anything you want to eat. not to mention high school, university, even a snack at the entrance of an elementary school would be fine.

Tang Zong pulled Rong nuo and said, ā€œwell, our ran ran will be leaving first, weā€™ll come back tomorrow.ā€

ā€œSis, brother-in-law, weā€™re leaving. Bye.ā€

After Rong nuo finished speaking, she ran away with Tang Zong.

The two of them heaved a long sigh of relief.

ā€œAre you coming tomorrow?ā€ Tang Zong asked Rong nuo in the elevator.

rong nuo sighed. ā€œletā€™s talk about it tomorrow, ran ran. weā€™ll wait until theyā€™ve settled seniorā€™s matter.ā€

Rong nuo turned around and asked Tang Zong. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve asked you before. Will there be a junior who will suddenly pop out and call you senior one day? ā€ž

Tang Zong immediately shook his head. definitely not. Definitely not.

ā€œTsk, I donā€™t believe you.ā€

ā€œI swear itā€™s true.ā€

Tang Zong and Rong nuo both ran away. Gu Hesheng blamed the two of them in his heart. The young man really did not understand the old at all. When he left, he also brought him and MeowMeow with him.

Gu Hesheng cleared his throat. ahem, ahem, meowmeowmeowmeow, weā€™ve been out for long enough. Itā€™s time to go back. Everyone, go home with Grandpa.

ā€œSure, Iā€™ll go home with Grandpa.ā€

She blinked her big, watery eyes and said, ā€ ā€œMom, dad, Iā€™ll come see you again tomorrow.ā€

Liancheng Yazhi knew that these people were going to run away, so he left the time for him and Rong Yan to deal with it. He sighed in his heart and said to

MeowMeow, ā€ okay, go back. See you tomorrow.

gu hesheng and meowmeow also left, leaving only rong yan and liancheng yazhi in the ward.

Rong Yan held her chin and called out sweetly to Liancheng Yazhi, ā€ ā€œChief

Judge, Chief Judge, Chief Judge.ā€

Liancheng Yazhi shivered. He quickly sat next to Rong Yan and put his arm around her shoulder.ā€Honey, itā€™s not appropriate for you to say this.ā€

He knew that Rong Yan would not let him off so easily after what happened just now.

Liancheng Yazhi thought that he would probably have to tell her everything that happened in school-first love, first kiss, and Huahuaā€™s first time.

He sighed silently. He really didnā€™t expect to encounter such a thing today.

Rong Yan rested her chin on his chest. not suitable for me? Thatā€™s right, Iā€™ve never been to the same school as you, so of course I canā€™t call you that. If I donā€™t call you senior, I canā€™t call you ā€¦ Uncle, right?ā€

ā€œIf youā€™re willing to call me that, I think itā€™s pretty good too.ā€ Liancheng Yazhiā€™s mind moved.

At special times, it was a little interesting to call him that.

Rong Yan grabbed a pillow and hit Liancheng Yazhi..ā€hmph, your junior sister hasnā€™t gone far yet, why donā€™t you go and catch up?ā€

