Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby - C.642: Iā€™ll Only Give You Two Hours!

Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby

C.642: Iā€™ll Only Give You Two Hours!

Translator: 549690339

On the other side, Feng Qinlan returned home. As soon as she opened the door, she saw someone standing behind the door. She was so scared that her face turned pale. She turned around and wanted to run.

Lil Eight already knew that she would run. He kicked the door open, grabbed

Feng Qinlanā€™s hair, and threw her to the ground.

Feng Qinlan retreated in fear.

ā€œDonā€™t, donā€™t, donā€™t. Letā€™s talk things out.ā€

Feng Qinlan had obviously recognized who the other party was.

She had gambled heavily in the Z countryā€™s casino overnight and lost two million yuan. She did not expect the other party to come looking for her so quickly.

Wasnā€™t it just a mere two million? Did he have to come knocking on his door?

This seventh master was really too stingy!

ā€œIf you donā€™t hand over the money today, weā€™ll sell your daughter. When she earns two million yuan, weā€™ll let her come back.ā€

ā€œYouā€¦ What did you say?ā€ Feng Qinlan was so scared that she panicked, but she still forced herself to calm down.ā€ My daughter is the future young mistress of the Emperor Heritage Group. Sheā€™s not someone you can afford to provoke.ā€ ā€œHeh, Iā€™ll give you two hours to bring the money over. Otherwiseā€¦ā€ Little Myna said as he handed a phone to Feng Qinlan.

On the phone screen, the lights in the dark room were suddenly switched on. Han Jin Nian, who was tied up, was at a loss as to what to do. Before she could understand what was going on, a few men rushed in and pressed her against the wall.

ā€œLet me go!ā€ Han Jin Nian struggled and screamed for help, but his cries were drowned out by the music.

ā€œJin Nianā€¦Jinnian! What do you want to do to Jinnian? You bastards, sheā€™s only thirteen years old. Youā€™re going to jail!ā€

Feng Qinlan looked at the phone screen and roared.

The scene stopped abruptly.

No. 8 said coldly,ā€ Iā€™ll only give you two hours. Itā€™s up to you whether you want to raise money or run away.ā€

Feng Qinlanā€™s body stiffened.ā€ You canā€™t do this to her. If I call the policeā€¦ā€

No. 8 interrupted Feng Qinlan disdainfully.ā€ Call the police? Donā€™t forget, you owe us two million. This is an IOU written in black and white. Do you have any evidence that we kidnapped your daughter??l think the first person the police want to arrest should be you, not me!ā€

Feng Qinlan felt like she was struck by lightning.ā€ Where am I going to get so much money in such a short time?ā€™ā€ā€˜

ā€œI donā€™t care! Arenā€™t you Young Master Moā€™s mother-in-law? Why didnā€™t you ask him?ā€ Little Myna sneered.

Feng Qinlanā€™s face was as pale as wax. Jinchu might become the young mistress of a wealthy family. If she asked MO Yichen for money now and the MO Family found out, Han Jinchuā€™s dream of being a wealthy family would be shattered. Her dream of being the future mother-in-law of the MO Familyā€™s young master would also be ruined.

However, Jinnian was her flesh and blood after all. How could she watch her go through that kind of thing?

ā€œAfter you raise the money, Iā€™ll take you to redeem him. I advise you not to waste time. Otherwise, you know the consequences yourself.ā€

Little Myna left.

Feng Qinlan fell to the ground weakly, feeling as if the world had collapsed.

At this moment, MO Yichen sent Han Jinchu back.

Han Jinchu opened the door and saw Feng Qinlan sitting on the floor in a daze. He quickly went to help her.

ā€œAuntie Feng, whatā€™s wrong? Are you feeling unwell? Iā€™ll take you to the hospital to get your name out.ā€

ā€œJinchu! Jinchu, youā€™re back!ā€ Feng Qinlan grabbed Han Jinchuā€™s wrist tightly with both hands.ā€ Whereā€™s the MO Familyā€™s Young Master? Did he come?ā€ ā€œHe just leftā€¦ā€

ā€œJinchu! I know that this is going too far, but Iā€™m really at my witā€™s end now! Please go after the MO Familyā€™s Little Young Master. Please borrow two million from him, okay? Pleaseā€¦ā€

Han Jinchu was confused.ā€ Auntie Feng? What happened?ā€

ā€œJin Nianā€¦Jinnian was taken away. Itā€™s all my fault. I owed 200,000 yuan in gambling debts in Country Z and then borrowed money from loan sharks. I wanted to recoup my losses all the way, but I lost everything. They want me to return two million yuan now. If I canā€™t pay it, Iā€™ll let Jinnian take itā€¦Pick upā€¦ Guestā€¦Pay off your debtsā€¦ā€

The more Feng Qinlan spoke, the more agitated she became. Towards the end, she started crying.

ā€œSheā€™s still a child. How can sheā€¦ Jinchu, please, please! Although you two are not related by blood, and although that girl has a vicious mouth, sheā€¦But sheā€™s still a child after allā€¦

Han Jinchu roughly understood. He was only slightly stunned before he immediately calmed down and said to Feng Qinlan,ā€ā€Auntie Feng, donā€™t be anxious. Iā€™ll go after him!ā€

As Han Jinchu spoke, he rushed out of the house to chase after MO Yichenā€™s car.

ā€œXia Yichen! Xia Yichen!ā€

When the car was about to turn the corner, MO Yichen saw Han Jinchu fall to the ground from the rearview mirror. He quickly asked the driver to stop the car and ran back to help her up.

ā€œIf you need anything, you can call me. Why are you chasing after a car?ā€He frowned when he saw that her palm was bruised.

Han Jinchu didnā€™t have the time to care about this. She blurted out excitedly,ā€™ā€ā€˜Xia Yichen! Jinnian has been kidnapped!ā€


ā€œJinnian has been kidnapped! Aunt Feng owed her gambling debts and couldnā€™t pay them off. Someone came to her door and they took Jinnian away. What should she do? What should we do?ā€ She grabbed his arm anxiously.

MO Yichen held Han Jinchuā€™s cold hands, trying to calm her down.ā€ Donā€™t be anxious. Tell me the details.ā€

His eyes seemed to have a magical power. When she saw his determined gaze, her panic seemed to have lessened a lot.

Han Jinchu nodded and told her what had happened.

MO Yichen knew that Feng Qinlan was addicted to gambling, but he didnā€™t expect her to never change. If she was allowed to continue like this, it would definitely not be a good thing for the Han Family.

Originally, MO Yichen had been the one to handle Han Jin Nianā€™s kidnapping. It was actually a simple matter to resolve. He had to either pay up or reveal his identity.

Revealing his identity would undoubtedly let his parents know that if he wanted to minimize the problem, he definitely could not choose this path.

Money was not worth mentioning to him, but it was easy to deal with.

If this happened once, it would happen a second time. MO Yichen would never forget that when Han Jinchu was only four years old, Feng Qinlan had almost sold her off because of a gambling debt. After that, she owed a gambling debt and almost had her hand chopped off. It was Han Jinchu who saved her with money.

This time, if she simply used money to solve the problem, Feng Qinlan would definitely not learn her lesson.

He had to think of a way to save Han Jin Nian and make Feng Qinlan not dare to gamble anymore.

ā€œXia Yichenā€¦ā€

ā€œLetā€™s go to your house first. I have something to ask Auntie Feng.ā€

Han Jinchu quickly nodded.

When Feng Qinlan saw MO Yichen enter, she quickly stood up and begged him,ā€ Young Master MO, I beg you. Jinnian is still a child, she is still a child.ā€ Only you can save her now. Two million is just a small amount to you. Youā€¦ā€

ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ MO Yichen interrupted Feng Qinlan,ā€ Two million is indeed a small amount to the MO Family, but not to me..ā€

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