Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby - C.639: Only In This Way Can I Get Closer To You

Perfect Pampered Marriage: Good Morning, Hubby

C.639: Only In This Way Can I Get Closer To You

Translator: 549690339

She liked him. How much she liked him, even she herself could not calculate.

Compared to painting, he might even like it more.

But at the same time, she also deeply understood the gap between them, just like what his parents had said.

They were from two different worlds. Even if they didnā€™t care about other peopleā€™s opinions and ignored the rumors around the world, they would still be hurt sometimes.

She didnā€™t want to become a Ling Ling Xiao flower that clung to him.

She wanted to be an oak tree like him. When she stood side by side with him, no one would think that she was not worthy of him.

She wanted this kind of equality, not looking up at him like now, always inadvertently feeling inferior.

However, when she thought about the price of being separated from him, she felt very uncomfortable.

ā€œXia Yichen, 1ā€¦

Before Han Jinchu could finish speaking, MO Yichen reached out and pressed her head, ruffling her hair into a mess. It was as if his current mood looked calm, but his heart was already surging with emotions.

His mood was also in a mess.

However, he gave her a faint smile.ā€ If thereā€™s something you must do, then do it bravely. Donā€™t let anyone or anything disrupt your pace.ā€

ā€œXia Yichenā€¦

He knew that she had always had a dream. Now that this dream was right in front of her, waiting for her to realize it, how could he let her miss the opportunity because of him?

Although, he was very reluctantā€¦She was very reluctant to part with himā€¦

However, her life had just begun. He could not break her wings.

After a long time, Han Jinchu finally calmed down and said,ā€ Xia Yichen, I like you. No matter where I am, I will only like you. I really donā€™t want to leave youā€¦ Butā€¦ā€

ā€œBut I want to be with you for a long time. Itā€™s not enough to rely on this kind of love. I want to become a better version of myself. I have to become a better version of myself. Only then can I be worthy of such an outstanding you.ā€

ā€œGive me some time to return what I owe you. Let me have the courage to face the world and stand by your side bravely and proudly. When that day comes, if you still like me, weā€¦ā€

Before Han Jinchu could finish his sentence, he pulled her into his arms and hugged herā€¦

His embrace was very warm, and her tears finally rolled down uncontrollably.

She regretted it, regretted it, regretted it before she could finish. How could she become a better version of herself in a world without him?

She felt that she was about to become the worst version of herselfā€¦

After hugging her tightly for a long time, MO Yichen let go of her and said with his back facing her,ā€

ā€œYes, go do what you like to do. Become a better version of yourself before coming into my arms. You wonā€™t have any burdens when youā€™re with me. Iā€™m leaving. Take care.ā€

After he finished speaking, he didnā€™t look back.

She heard his footsteps in her ears and kept saying to herself, Xia Yichen, if you turn back now, Iā€¦lā€™m not going to Murica. Please turn back.

However, he did not turn around.

She watched as his back slowly walked out of her sight. Suddenly, she rushed forward and hugged him from behind.

The sudden warm embrace surprised him. His back stiffened and he stopped in his tracks.

There were only the two of them on the entire street.

The autumn wind blew away the maple leaves.

In this autumn with the falling maple leaves, she hugged him from behind and said to him,ā€ Take care.ā€Then, she gently let go of him and did not dare to look at him again. She turned around and ran in the direction of home.

She ran very quickly, as if she had never run ten laps and ten miles last night. She was not tired at all and was astonishingly fast.

Her tears were desperately flowing, but she knew that some things could only

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She leaned against the wall in front of her house and recalled the time he grabbed her wrist and pressed her hereā€¦

She seemed to have lost all her strength and slid down bit by bit. Finally, she fell to the ground and covered her face with her hands as she cried hysterically.

There were always some things in this world that could not be controlled, predicted, or done.

ā€˜ Xia Yichen, you know that Iā€™ve always had a dream, but you donā€™t know that itā€™s because of you that I have this dream. I want to become the best version of myself because of you, the sparkling version of myself. Because only in this way can I get closer to youā€¦ā€™

Han Jinchu didnā€™t know that Xia Yichen had been chasing after her all the way. He was behind a maple tree, looking at her for a long time.

It was not until she wiped her tears and stood up as if nothing had happened and opened the door that he came back to his senses and walked in a completely different direction from her.

After that, he called Ms. Sherry.

ā€œSister Sherry, please do me a favor.ā€He spoke to the other side of the phoneā€¦

At the same time, on the other side.

When Han Jinchu entered, Feng Qinlan quickly came over.ā€ Jinchu, Jinchu, why are you back so early?ā€ How did it go with the Young Master of the MO Family last night? Did he send you back? Why didnā€™t you come in?ā€

ā€œAuntie Feng, thereā€™s something I need to tell you. I plan to transfer to Murica.ā€

ā€œTransfer schools? What? Transfer schools? If you go so far away, what about the Little Young Master of the MO Family? Are you guys done?

He wasnā€™t satisfied last night?

ā€œAunt Fengā€¦ Itā€™s not what you think.ā€

ā€œItā€™s over, itā€™s over, itā€™s over. I thought you were going to be rich, but youā€™re dead! I say, why are you so weak! This time, he was really killed! What about the breakup fee?

Did I give it to you? Didnā€™t give it to him? Why was this Young Master MO so petty! He was really dead meat! Why are you still in a daze? Hurry up and pack up and leave!ā€

ā€œMom, did you go gambling again??ā€Han Jin Nian frowned.

ā€œWhatā€™s the use of saying this now? If we donā€™t leave now, weā€™ll be waiting for our hands to be chopped off!! He knew that he couldnā€™t count on anyone. He was really crazy!ā€

ā€œHow much money did you lose??ā€Father Han was speechless. Why didnā€™t she learn her lesson at all? If this continued, he wanted to chop off her hand!!

A few days later, Han Jinchuā€™s family boarded a flight to M Nation.

Sherry called Han Jinchu and told him that they had arranged a place for her to stay and that the matter with the school had been settled. She could report to school as soon as she arrived.

MO Lemon, Tan Guo ā€˜er, Yang Ying, and Bai Liuli all came to see Han Jinchu off.

Only MO Yichen did not come.

Han Jinchu forced a smile and bid farewell to everyone, but he could not suppress the sadness in his heart.

The scene of their farewell replayed in her mind more than once.

Perhaps he didnā€™t come because he didnā€™t want to make her sad again.

ā€œLemon, can you help me bring this to your brother?ā€Han Jinchu handed a bag to MO Lemon.

MO Lemon nodded.ā€ Okay, leave it to me.ā€ When you get there, you have to contact us often, understand?ā€


The plane took off. Han Jinchu sat on the plane and looked at the clouds that were like cotton candy. He was in a low mood.

What she asked Lemon to give him was the thousand paper cranes she owed him back then.

The paper crane had finally reached his palm, but now, she was about to fly


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