I Have Unparalleled Comprehension - C.598 - : The Old Witch Wants My Body

I Have Unparalleled Comprehension

C.598 - : The Old Witch Wants My Body

Chapter 598: The Old Witch Wants My Body

Translator: 549690339

Hearing this, Xu Bai couldnā€™t say anything else. He could only continue,ā€ā€As expected of the dean.ā€

He didnā€™t say the rest because the female Abbey Dean was still looking for him. As for her purpose, it was to restore her crazy state.

He had thought that he had been exposed, but now it seemed that he hadnā€™t been figured out at all. Thinking about it, he was right. How could something like the progress bar be so easily figured out?

Due to the same reason as the female Abbey Dean, now that the female Abbey Dean had taken the blame for him, he had an idea. If there were any problems in the future, he could push all the blame to the female Abbey Dean.

He would be the scapegoat if he took the blame once, countless times, and there was no difference in the number of times.

The female Abbey Dean didnā€™t know about this. If she did, she would definitely jump out and complain.

ā€œThen Iā€™ll continue watching?ā€ ā€œWhat about Yun Zihai?ā€ Xu Bai asked.ā€

At tms moment, Yun Linal was Still Wing witn a pale race, 11Ke a person wno was about to die.

ā€œTake care of yourself.ā€ ā€ The dean is very simple. ā€˜ā€ā€˜ Iā€™ll revise the body strengthening technique this time. Itā€™s just enough for him to learn it. At that time, he can barely deal with the mortal evolution state. As for the higher levels, itā€™s very difficult. Letā€™s take one step and see one step.ā€™ā€ā€˜

ā€œOh?ā€ ā€œDirector, do you want to let me take a look?ā€ Xu Bai rubbed his hands and said.ā€

Body-strengthening technique, or the revised version, could be used at the mortal evolution state?

If he didnā€™t get his hands on this thing, he would feel that he had suffered a loss.

ā€œWhy are you looking at that thing? Although you are a female Abbey Dean, you canā€™t do too much. That was why the female Abbey Dean went crazy back then. ā€œThe dean asked curiously.

Before Xu Bai could answer, he handed over a book.

ā€œYour line of work really needs to be inclusive. Take a look.ā€

Xu Bai looked at the book in front of him, especially the golden progress bar at the top, and took it excitedly.

The progress bar on this book was also very slow. It seemed to be the progress bar of the mortal evolution state.

This trip seemed to be fruitless, but unexpectedly, he received two progress bars, and the progress bar was extremely slow.

ā€œAre you sure Yun Zihai is fine?ā€Xu Bai asked.

He and Yun Zihai were not ordinary people. The two of them had experienced life and death together, so they were also worried about Yun Zihaiā€™s condition.

Donā€™t worry,ā€ the director said with certainty.ā€ I brought him back this time to solve his problem. Thereā€™s no problem at all for the time being.ā€™ā€ā€˜

When Xu Bai heard this, he squatted down in relief and patted Yun Zihaiā€™s shoulder.ā€ā€Brother Yun, you must control yourself in the future. This man has a good kidney. If his kidney is not good, it will not be easy to live.ā€ Yun Zihai widened his eyes.ā€ Youā€™re slandering me. My kidneys have always been fine.ā€ā€

Even if a man had kidney deficiency, he would never admit it. This was a matter of face.

The hospital director added on,ā€ Speaking of which, his congenital deficiency is indeed prone to kidney deficiency. Zihai, youā€™re now a Wang with a different surname. Why donā€™t you give birth to children as soon as possible? If you get old, it wonā€™t be easy to give birth. ā€˜ā€ā€˜

Yun Zihaiā€™s body was weak to begin with. Under the situation where he was continuously attacked, his eyes rolled back and he directly fainted very happily.

Before he fainted, he was still mumbling silently.

ā€œI donā€™t have kidney deficiencyā€¦ The girls in Spring Rain Pavilion all say that Iā€™m very goodā€¦Say that Iā€™m a real man!ā€

ā€œAs expected, itā€™s indeed kidney deficiency.ā€ The dean added,ā€ Iā€™ve heard of Spring Rain Pavilion before. The ladies there are all picky. Even if your body is weak, they can still praise you as strong as an ox.ā€

Xu Bai was speechless.

Good heavens, Brother Yun had visited Spring Rain Pavilion several times when he wasnā€™t around.

Sure enough, Brother Yun looked like a decent person, but he was actually very coquettish.

He really wanted to wake and wake up Yun Zihai to ask him about the details.

But now was not the time to talk about this.

Xu Bai stood up and cupped his hands.ā€ Director, if thereā€™s nothing else, Iā€™ll take my leave first. I want to figure out whatā€™s in this book as soon as possible. Letā€™s see if I can find your junior sister. ā€˜ā€ā€˜

With the progress bar, he did not want to waste any more time. The progress bar was the most important thing.

Moreover, the progress bar this time was closely related to finding the culprit behind the scenes.

The College Chief nodded and said,ā€ Donā€™t worry. As long as you donā€™t leave the College, you are absolutely safe. Because I have to stay in the College during this period of time. With me around, she wonā€™t dare to do anything.ā€™ā€ā€˜ Xu Bai responded and turned to leave.

After leaving the directorā€™s room, he did not stop on the way and returned to his own room.

The news of the Deanā€™s return had been spreading in the Academy. The scholars had been in a panic because of the statueā€™s crack a few days ago, but now that the Dean had returned, everything became quiet again.

Time gradually passed, and in the blink of an eye, another day had passed.

For the past few days, Xu Bai had been staying in his room and checking the progress bar.

He did not read the improved Body-strengthening Technique but focused on the travel book. After all, there were priorities. Now, the travel book could solve his problem.

After a day of continuous work, the book was finally full.

Tremble, old witch!

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