He Is Warmer Than Time - C.2017 - 2076 -better not cause any more trouble

He Is Warmer Than Time

C.2017 - 2076 -better not cause any more trouble

Chapter 2017: Chapter 2076 -better not cause any more trouble

Translator: 549690339

ā€œXia Shang asked me to go back.ā€

With a ā€˜bangā€™, the door closed. Gu Nian shook her head. She had just said that she was going to be cold and warm to him. Now, with a phone call, she was going to stick to him again.

Third brother, youā€™ve definitely been eaten alive.

After dinner, Gu Nian studied in the study room while Shen Zhaozheng sat beside her and read.

As long as she was studying, he would never have any entertainment. He would definitely create the best learning atmosphere for her.

Gu Nian suddenly thought that Shen Zhaozheng would be a very responsible father when he had a child in the future.

She could not help but blush at the thought. Gu Nian, what are you thinking about?

ā€œAre you daydreaming?ā€ Shen Zhaozheng looked at her.

ā€œNo, Zhenzhen, no,ā€ Gu Nian coughed lightly.

Chen Zhaozhengā€™s slender fingers reached over. Gu Nian subconsciously tried to avoid them as his fingers touched her cheek.

ā€œItā€™s a little hot. Are you feeling guilty?ā€

ā€œDonā€™t disturb me from studying,ā€ Gu Nian said as she gently pushed his hand away.

Shen Zhaozheng was about to speak when his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was Yu Bin.

ā€œBoss, Zhao hang drank quite a bit and refused to return to the Research


ā€œWhatā€™s wrong?ā€

his girlfriend from his hometown is getting married today, and heā€™s not the groom. Heā€™s upset.

ā€œThen you should keep him company.ā€

ā€œBoss, can I go to your place?ā€

Shen Zhaozheng thought that since Yu Bin and Zhao hang were his right-hand men, it was still acceptable for them to know about The Secret Garden.

In fact, it was enough as long as his family didnā€™t know where he lived.

To be exact, as long as those people who would cause trouble for him didnā€™t know, that was enough.

alright, bring him here. Iā€™ll send you the address.


Shen Zhaozheng hung up the phone and sent the address to Yu Bin.

In less than 20 minutes, there was a knock on the door. Gu Nian had already hidden in the guest room. Shen Zhaozheng had told her not to come out.

ā€œWhat if I need to use the toilet?ā€ Gu Nian pursed her lips.

Shen Zhaozheng coughed lightly. then letā€™s sneak up. Hmm? ā€

The situation was not clear yet, and one more person who knew about it would always be one more risk.

Itā€™s better not to cause any more trouble.

As soon as she entered the guest room, Shen Zhaozheng ran to open the door. Yu Bin helped the staggering Zhao hang into the room.

Shen Zhaozheng looked up and saw that the girl had opened the door a little and was peeking outside.

He gritted his teeth and glared at the girl. Gu Nian immediately closed the door.

Zhao hang was not very drunk. He looked up at the door of the guest room.ā€Old Hao, boss Hao, I think I heard some noise.ā€

Shen Zhaozheng facepalmed. piercing wind! Piercing wind!

Zhao hang said as he walked towards the guest room. is there an assassin? I want to see if there is an assassin. I will protect my boss.

Shen Zhaozheng grabbed him. come over and sit on the sofa. Yu Bin, thereā€™s milk in the kitchen refrigerator. Warm it for him.

Zhao hang staggered as he was dragged to the sofa in the living room. He sat on it and sighed, ā€ I was going to take home leave this year to marry her. Why did she suddenly get married? boss, I was really caught off guard by her. Really, I was not prepared at all.

ā€œAs a man, you should be able to let go and not be so sentimental,ā€

Zhao hang sniffled. I know, boss. I know everything, but I canā€™t help but feel sad. What would you do if you were to encounter such a thing? ā€

Shen Zhaozheng glanced at the guest room and said firmly, ā€ ā€œI wouldnā€™t have encountered such a thing..ā€

This content is taken from fr(e)ewebn(o)vel.š“¬š“øš“¶

