He Is Warmer Than Time - C.1973 - : Iā€™m older than you by nine years

He Is Warmer Than Time

C.1973 - : Iā€™m older than you by nine years

Chapter 1973: Iā€™m older than you by nine years

Translator: 549690339

He looked at the bright-eyed woman in front of him, and his eyes were really dazzled. He couldnā€™t even move his eyes.

Not long after, a waiter led the other two guests to the table next to them.

The distance between the two tables was less than two meters. If they were slightly louder, both sides could still hear the conversation at the next table.

Xia Shang turned her head slightly and saw Xue Shen and a young girl in a pink dress beside him.

Xia Shangā€™s pupils shrank instinctively. From a womanā€™s point of view, this girl was about 20 years old. Although she was not the most beautiful, she had an outstanding temperament. Every move she made had an attractive confidence and style.

Xue Shen, who was sitting opposite the girl, had his attention on the girl the entire time. He seemed to care about her a lot.

Xia Shang quickly retracted her gaze and felt her heart clench.

There was no such thing as forever. After a long time, they would all part.

Xue Shen didnā€™t want to Promise Her Anything. He didnā€™t want to say that he would protect her if he had the chance to do it again, probably because he really didnā€™t have that kind of intention.

Other people were always more important than her. When she was his girlfriend, she could not get his full love, let alone after they broke up.

She was a little absent-minded. Qi Yu served her tea and poured her water, eagerly waiting for her.

On the other hand, Xue Shen, who was sitting at the next table, seemed to be competing with Qi Yu. He was even more attentive than Qi Yu, as if he wanted to feed Guan Ling.

Guan Ling was embarrassed. She had only agreed to have lunch with Vice Principal Xue because of Gu Nian.

It was really a torture.

Xue Shen poured her a little red wine. ā€œCan I drink it? Or do you want juice?ā€

ā€œItā€™s okay. You can have some red wine.ā€

ā€œYou should know that Iā€™m nine years older than you.ā€

ā€œHeā€™s older and more mature.ā€

He followed the script and controlled the volume so that the next table could hear him.

Xue Shen smiled. my family is already very anxious. After all, Iā€™m not young anymore. If we get married, we might get married soon. Youā€™re still studying. Wonā€™t my family mind? ā€

Guan Ling heaved a sigh of relief. He had been entrusted with the task, so he had to continue acting.

I also hope to get married soon so that it wonā€™t affect my studies. Nowadays, the University atmosphere is more open. Thereā€™s no such rule that college students are not allowed to get married.

In the car outside the hotel, Gu Nian smiled as she held up a telescope. ā€œThird brother, Xia Shang clenched her fork tightly and seemed to be gritting her teeth.ā€

Shen Zhaozheng facepalmed. She really did look like a Special Agent. Binoculars, micro-ear-mic, everything was prepared. Let this girl have her fun.

Xue Shen, who was in the hotel, received the signal and smirked. It was a good sign that she was angry.

He had thought that she had a heart of stone, but it turned out that she still had emotions and desires.

It was a good sign that he had not completely given up.

He continued,ā€if Iā€™m pregnant ā€¦ā€Il What if Iā€™m pregnant?ā€

Guan Ling almost choked. This Tao Wu seemed to be out of her League.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and immediately said, ā€œIf youā€™re pregnantll If Iā€™m pregnant, then Iā€™ll take a break from school for a year before coming back to continue my studies.ā€

Xue Shen nodded in satisfaction. yes, my parents will definitely like you. Come home with me to meet my parents tomorrow.

ā€œAlright, itā€™s all up to you.ā€

Xia Shangā€™s expression darkened as she ate her food dejectedly. She thought that men would probably prefer women who were willing to submit to adversity.

If Xue Shen really liked her and could look forward and forget the past, then she would let him be..

