He Clings to Me Every Night - C.251 - : Challenging the Status of the Marshall Family Mistress

He Clings to Me Every Night

C.251 - : Challenging the Status of the Marshall Family Mistress

Chapter 251: Chapter 251: Challenging the Status of the Marshall Family Mistress

Translator: 549690339

Beverly Hills.

The servant announced, “The young madam is here.”

Alexander Marshall instantly frowned, tightening his lips.

After a moment’s hesitation, the servant carefully said, “My lord, the young madam has a message for you, she said
 she said, you surely aren’t afraid of her and don’t dare to meet her, are you?”

As soon as the words fell, the servant who announced didn’t dare to look at the old master, hanging his head anxiously.

Immediately, Alexander Marshall’s anger flared up and he ordered harshly, “Let that damn girl in.”

The servant slightly bowed and immediately went to invite the young madam.

Bella Thompson was on the second floor. Upon hearing the downstairs noise and knowing Olivia Jenkins was coming, her eyes flashed with a vicious hatred. With an attitude purely of spectatorship, Bella slowly descended the stairs.

Olivia walked in carrying a gift, completely ignoring Bella, she only bowed deeply to Mr. Alexander Marshall.

Mr. Alexander Marshall’s deep eyes narrowed, coolly glancing at Olivia Jenkins.

Suddenly, he is somewhat puzzled by the girl’s intentions.

Why was she coming to Beverly Hills?

Suddenly paying such respects, lowering her own status, really is surprising.

Bella Thompson was also dumbfounded by the scene.

She thought Olivia was here to cause trouble, or intentionally start a riot, but she didn’t expect that this vile woman could actually be so calm, her face showing absolutely no hint of her real emotions.

Startled, Mr. Alexander Marshall interrogated coldly, “Are you here to curse me to die? So, you are paying me such respects?”

Olivia then bowed deeply again, expressing her sincerity, “Grandpa, I came specifically to apologize to you. I have troubled you recently, made you worry, I’m really sorry, please forgive me.”

The girl is actually apologizing to him, letting herself kneel in dust to ask for forgiveness, isn’t this an illusion?

Mr. Alexander Marshall stared incredulously at Olivia Jenkins.

“What kind of tricks do you want to pull? What do you want to do exactly? Are you tired of waiting for me to die, so you intentionally came to quarrel with

Olivia, with a thick-skinned charm, said, “Grandpa, am I really that wicked? Am I really that bad? Yes, I’m a bit sharp-tongued, but I really hope you live to a hundred. I heard you aren’t sleeping well, so I specially made a traditional medicinal pillow for you. You’re so sharp, grandpa, you can tell a ghost from a human at one glance, what trick could I pull?”

“Take your things and go.”

“Grandpa, both Daniel and I hope you’re healthy. He can’t leave his bed, so I will accompany you to eat and play chess. Young people’s faces are actually quite thin. I can apologize to you like this, which means I truly regret it. Daniel and I surely wish to live our lives hand in hand. A harmonious family prospers in everything, grandpa, you should understand! If you continue being angry, Daniel will not feel good either, he might not say it, but he has been feeling guilty. I really do not want to see you two at odds anymore. Grandpa, please give Daniel a chance to fulfill his filial duty. I might sometimes be wayward in the past, but at least, my starting point is right, I can’t let Daniel be bullied, or let anyone seize his share. I need to protect his home for him.”

As soon as the words fell, Olivia gave Bella a look to read into.

If Bella wanted to see her make a spectacle of herself, Olivia would not give her what she wished for.

If she had to accept the marriage with Daniel Marshall, Olivia naturally had to protect hers and Daniel’s interests.

If she antagonizes grandpa again, it equals to pushing him away, which would not be beneficial to her and Daniel. She could not just satisfy a temporary pleasure, nor could she give Bella any more excuses to hurt her.

Whatever Bella could do, Olivia could do as well. She wanted to challenge Bella’s status as the mistress of the Marshall family..

The source of this c𝓾ntent is fr𝒆e(w)𝒆bnovel

