He Clings to Me Every Night - C.234 - : Fasting


Chapter 234: Chapter 234: Fasting

Translator: 549690339

Presently, the director pressed the hands-free key and called Olivia Jenkins.

The director specifically stated Daniel Marshallā€™s condition in detail.

Without hesitation, Olivia Jenkins coldly said, ā€œIf he wants to get discharged, he can take responsibility himself. Just let him go! If he dies, Iā€™d be happy to be a widow.ā€


Olivia sure is harsh!

The director was stunned, looking at Daniel Marshall with great care.

The director saw Danielā€™s face had become extremely grim, his lips pressed tightly together, and his body seemed to exude a bleak aura that sent chills down oneā€™s spine.

The director especially reminded, ā€œHeā€¦ is having a fever, you should come and keep him company. At this time, he needs to be looked after.ā€

Olivia spoke nonchalantly, her voice as cold as frost, ā€œHis bodyguard is with him, let his bodyguard take care of him. Iā€™m very busy, so I canā€™t leave my work behind. Director, I wonā€™t continue talking, I have work to do.ā€

Daniel clearly heard Oliviaā€™s words. After she finished speaking, she hung up the call, unwilling to say even a single extra word.

She did not want to understand his situation, she did not care about him, and she didnā€™t care about his life or death either.

So indifferent!

Their relationship, it seemed like, was colder than ice, colder than frost!

At this point, the director greatly regretted making this call. Not only did he fail to persuade Daniel to stay in the hospital, but he also got himself into a mess, making him uncomfortable both inside and out.

The directorā€™s expression was somewhat ugly, as he watched Daniel Marshall cautiously.

There was a heavy solemnity on his face, mixed with a hint of helplessness.

ā€œOlivia is very busy, Chief Daniel Marshall, you should stay in the hospital. You are having a fever, we really cannot let you leave, and you need another examination. Iā€™m worried that it will lead to infection, or trigger an outbreak.ā€

ā€œDirector, Iā€™ll listen to you, I wonā€™t leave.ā€ Danielā€™s voice was faint, but his face was terrifyingly cold, with a hint of fiery anger flickering in his eyes.

After a moment of hesitation, the director reflexively nodded, ā€œGood! Iā€™ll write you a prescription later, you need to be on an IV drip. Chief Marshall, you need to rest well, donā€™t overthink, youā€™ll recover quickly.ā€

Danielā€™s thin lips were tightly shut, the rage almost flaring from his eyes.

In an instant, the director closed his mouth and hastily went back to his office to write him a prescription.

Only after leaving Danielā€™s VIP ward did the director sigh in relief.

He opened his hand, his palm was soaked with cold sweat.

Without Olivia, Chief Marshall is quite scary!

In an instant, Daniel called Simon Howard in.

ā€œI want to eat something, prepare it for me.ā€

ā€œIā€™ll have it delivered right away.ā€ Simon showed a surprised expression, but he was also glad in his heart; the boss hadnā€™t eaten anything the night before, and the fact that he was willing to eat now was better than anything else.

When Daniel kept silent, his sensual thin lips were tightly pressed together, projecting a sharp look, and radiating a coldness all over.

That woman is willing to be a widow, sheā€™s dreaming, he will not die!

In this lifetime, she wonā€™t be able to escape his grasps!

She ignored him, didnā€™t care about him, was indifferent towards him, when he was better, he would make sure she understands the duties of Mrs. Olivia Marshall.

Martin Wallace and Adam Howard came to see Daniel together.

They both frowned and squinted their eyes simultaneously.

After some hesitation, Adam Howard joked, ā€œWithout your wife, your stubble grows faster than the sprouts in the field! Thisā€¦ is it lovesickness?!ā€ At Danielā€™s cold glare, the faint smile on Adamā€™s face instantly froze.

Immediately, Adam closed his mouth.

Martin inhaled deeply before saying, ā€œIn a while Iā€™ll go to the Jenkins Group to discuss Andrew Jenkinsā€™ will with Chief Jenkins, weā€™ll also discuss the previous defamation case, Iā€™ll be there for a while. Daniel, do you want me to deliver any message?ā€

Danielā€™s thin lips opened slightly, his voice was short and cold, ā€œTell her, I wonā€™t die!ā€

The source of this cšØntent is freewe(b)novš’†l

